Entries in Penumbra Foundation (1)


Forgetting All the Rules: Experimemtal Photograms with Kimberly Schneider

Forgetting All the Rules: Experimental Photograms

Instructor: Kimberly Schneider | Dates: Wednesdays, Oct 27 - Dec 8 (skip 11/24) | Time: 6 - 9 PM EST Tuition: $695 Members $590.75 | Requirements: See below

Spirit in the Sky   ©Kimberly Schneider


The process of making strong, visually engaging experimental photograms starts by learning to let go of control. When you understand how to successfully combine traditional printing chemistry and paper(s) with alternate light sources and materials, there are almost no limits to what you can produce or how you can choose to work with these materials.

This six week course will introduce participants to a variety of methods for making unique gelatin silver prints, without the use of an enlarger. With the assistance of guided demos and creative assignments given by the instructor, participants will address a new theme in experimental printing, practice this technique, and review their works in progress. As the students familiarize themselves with the art of “exposing by feel,” they will work with one to two alternative light sources and creative tools which can readily be found in their homes or purchased inexpensively, including flashlights, candles, glitter, flowers, and leaves. By working in this non-traditional manner, students in this course will learn to expose and print more intuitively, bring more expression into their work, find ways of tapping into internal inspiration, and be exposed to new ways of looking at, as well as making, photographs. As the course progresses and participants gain more confidence with their exposures, they will ultimately learn new ways of working with their materials in order to bring other elements, such as texture, emotion, and movement, into their photograms.

While there is a considerable learning curve, this course emphasizes embracing the freedom of experimental printing in a way that best suits your personal artwork. Previous experience with black and white printing is helpful but not required. All eager and adept learners are welcome!

Please note that participants do not need an at-home darkroom to take this class but, upon request, notes will be provided on how to set up a DIY Darkroom. 



  • Light-tight room with space to print and running water (long hose will suffice for those printing in sheds or garages).

  • B&W fiber paper (Glossy & Matte will produce different effects, both are effective).

  • Traditional B&W developer, any kind. Stop Bath, Ilford Rapid Fix, etc.

  • Several trays for processing big enough to fit your paper (glass/pyrex baking dishes will work).

  • Gloves, tongs, trays, distilled water. Pencils for making notes on back of paper.

**Please visit Penumbra's website for more information: https://www.penumbrafoundation.org/forgetting-all-the-rules