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No Enlarger Necessary (Zoom Workshop/Course)

No Enlarger necessary - Online (Zoom workshop)

Instructor: Kimberly Schneider | Dates: March 4 - April 8, 2021 (6-9PM)

Without an enlarger, you are free to think outside of the box, work with new materials, and learn how to design strong images without having the same control as a traditional enlarger. Participants will work with various light sources, most of which are readily available in one's home. Other unconventional materials will be explored, such as sand, flowers, and water.

By the end of this course, participants will learn how to engage with their photographic materials intuitively while understanding how the paper or papers react to different light sources.

No experience necessary. Experimentation encouraged. All levels welcome.


*This course is likely to be repeated (and you can take it as many times as you wish); Please visit Penumbra Foundation for more info: https://www.penumbrafoundation.org/nen

  The Dance (Embrace) ©Kimberly Schneider



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