"Whisper #2, Brooklyn, NY 2007
Limited edition silver gelatin print, shot on true infrared film in 2007, printed 2009. Selenium toned for archival purposes as well as color shift. Image size 8x8 on 11.8x15.7 (European sized Forte Polywarmtone Plus). Artist Print (AP), original signature 2007 [I'm happy to add a more recent one as well, if you wish].$600, Currently Available
This one is more marked down because it looks like something got on the back of the print. I think I'm probably being overcautious, but had pretty much all of my photo everything that mattered, prints/darkroom, etc in storage while I was between darkrooms, so I don't entirely trust it [fyi -the front of paper is fine, but I'm happy to make a fresh copy (or copies) once I can get my enlarger leveled, so feel free to reach out if you would prefer that.]