My very 1st Monograph! - to be published by VERITAS EDITIONS!..

I am doing a Go Fund Me in order to cover the cost of making my very first monograph, which will be a Fine Press book, as well as a dream collaboration with VERITAS EDITIONS! And I'm so psyched that this book, which has been my entire photo career in the making - already has a title!.. []
I am so honored that last year's (Lucie) Publisher of the Year wants to publish EQUIVALENCE - and to make this dream come true even more amazing, this Collector's Edition book will also include some of my original silver gelatin artwork.
So, if YOU feel inclined to help support me, you will not only be helping us make my very first monograph - in the medium best capable of translating my work to book form, but will also make it possible to take that a step further, via this publisher's ability to include some of my prints – IN THE BOOK, which will enable collectors [who may not have the opportunity to attend exhibitions of my work] to experience my unique and limited edition black-and-white photographs - in real life, as well as hang them on their walls...
That said, making a book that is handcrafted to such high standards is a costly endeavor and the book is only a portion of the funding I am seeking, as I actually need your help in order to bring TWO dreams to culmination. For, in addition to landing such a meticulous Printer as my publisher, the work that I envision making for the contents of the book, has been 24 YEARS in the making.
My first days as a dedicated maker of silver gelatin landscape photographs began in Colorado and soon extended to California; My vision for the contents of the book takes me full circle (and expands on that), as the western United States is where I fell in love with the darkroom, as well as where I made my first landscape photographs - and traveling there is essential for making the work.
"Undercurrent" - limited edition silver gelatin print, 11x11 on 16x20 paper. Shot on true infrared film in late 2012; First printing 2013, the copy I'll be offering as a reward is the only copy I've ever made of it on semi-matte paper (and I have to admit, it's really grown on me a lot, since it was printed in my former darkroom, in 2016). Awakenings: Point Lobos & Beyond (series).
Currently Available - 1 copy offered
Further, I have taken my photograms (unique darkroom prints made without a camera) as far as I can with my practically non-existent budget for making personal artwork and you will see evidence of just how far I have taken them, with my first location-specific photograms, which will debut as rewards for this campaign.
Pre-covid, I had 20+ years of experience as a fine art photographer & printer who exclusively made photographs on black-and-white film and printed them by hand. Beginning covid with an unfinished darkroom led to nearly 4 years of immersion into the world of experimental photography; 6 bodies of cameraless work (and several awards) later, my photograms have organically become (abstract) landscape photographs in their own right.
"San Diego (aka Low Tide), Windansea Beach, CA" - Photogram/Chemigram (Debuting as print reward, for this campaign).
The photogram portion was made with beach sand, seaweed, and a little bit of the Pacific (The materials were collected at Windansea Beach in in July 2023); The chemigram part was a test of cbd foot rub, as a resist.This cameraless LOCATION-SPECIFIC photograph is the newest additon to Winds of Change (series). Printed in November 2023, 11x14.
Currently available and one-of-a-kind
The combination of these two parallel but vastly different mediums will merge as ONE with my vision for the landscape photographs I wish to make for the book, which will cohesively blend my 24 years of combined photographic experience into two very strong bodies of work.
My plan is to travel out west (ideally to at least 4 states), where I will make film photographs and collect materials for photograms, which I will ship home to myself. Upon my return, I will develop the film, print a large selection of the resulting images, make the photograms, pay to have the work digitized, and THEN, we can begin working on the book.
45K is the barest of bare minimums needed to bring these dreams to fruition and it will have to be stretched VERY far, in order to make this book without securing additional funding [which is why I wrote this campaign into my 2024 Guggenheim Fellowship proposal; I have quite ambitious plans for best case scenario of the book].
To break down the costs, my portion of the book will take 20K of the funding. In order to make the work (and justify doing so with a covid-born business run remotely out of my home darkroom), the remaining 25K has to extend far enough to cover travel, film, shipping of materials, paper (which I will need a LOT of) and chemistry, outsourcing for digitizing, AND at least a portion of my rent, since the darkroom is in my apartment (and NYC rents are killer).
Thus, I don't have words strong enough to convey how much your support means to me. Which is why I am offering some wonderful REWARDS to express my gratitude to those who contribute to my photographic aspirations.
Inside the Wave," Windansea Beach, CA - Unique silver gelatin print (mixed process photgram) Made with sand, seaweed, and the Pacific, which I collected when I was in the San Diego area, teaching a brief workshop, this past July.
This 8x10 print reward was a test of the materials on a different paper, from my usual, which is Fomatone MG (various surfaces). Printed on Forte Polygrade, which is no longer available and has a much greater tonal range than currently available papers. (The brownish tone is special feature caused by exposing this paper with a very bright light source) Printed in November 2023, this landscape photograph is responsible for the birth of a new extension to my Winds of Change series (the title is forthcoming).
Currently available and one-of-a-kind
The rewards are broken down into the following categories: print rewards, rewards for potential printing and/or art as therapy students, VIP rewards for those who contribute more substantially, lower cost options for those who can’t, and some fun options that I threw in for good measure.
Print Rewards include photograms from several of my most recent bodies of work, as well as goodies from prior bodies of lens-based and cameraless work; Sizes range from 5x7 to 16x20 - and I'm happy to ship ahead of the holidays if you wish to gift any of these prints.
The REWARDS are all in the GO FUND ME section of my website:
You can contribute to my GO FUND ME CAMPAIGN here:
The video is also on YouTube - with subtitles (which you can see, if you turn them on in settings; They don't seem to show up in the GO FUND ME version):]
Thank you so much in advance for the consideration and for spreading the love by sharing this campaign (and the YouTube video) as much as possible. I hope to be collaborating with many of you, along with Veritas, in the making of this beautiful book.
"Landslide (aka Eye of the Storm)" - Unique silver gelatin print (mixed process photogram); Made with ice, sand, flowers, and glitter. Printed on Fomatone MG 131 (glossy), 11x14, The Many Rings of Saturn (series)
This print reward, as well as the bulk of the series, was made during my virtual Artist-in-Residence for Frames Magazine, in August 2022; The body of work was actually born during a session with a Zoom student and took on a life of its own during the residency.
Currently Available and one-of-a-kind
I have lots more print rewards broken up by body of work and size, as well as rewards for everyone - including those who might not be able to swing prints (but if you really want one, the 5x7s might be an option).